Directors' Report and Management Discussion & Analysis
The Directors have pleasure in submitting their Report together with the Audited
Financial Statements of your Company for the financial year ended 31 March 2024.
The Company's standalone financial performance for the financial year ended 31 March
2024 is summarized below:
In Rupees million |
Year ended 31 March 2024 |
15 months ended 31 March 2023 |
Revenue from operations |
27,686.69 |
31,355.20 |
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and impairment
7,793.35 |
8,735.75 |
Less: Depreciation and amortisation expense (including impairment) |
2,009.44 |
2,528.65 |
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) |
5,783.91 |
6,207.10 |
Less: Finance cost |
72.69 |
62.90 |
Profit before tax (PBT) |
5,711.22 |
6,144.20 |
Tax Expense |
1,447.86 |
786.49 |
Net Profit for the year (after tax) (A) |
4,263.36 |
5,357.71 |
Total Other Comprehensive Income for the year (B) |
(34.50) |
6.56 |
Total Comprehensive Income for the year (C)=(A)+(B) |
4,228.86 |
5,364.27 |
Movement in Equity |
Retained earnings opening balance brought forward |
22,299.15 |
18,086.25 |
Add: Net Profit for the year |
4,263.36 |
5,357.71 |
Less: Other comprehensive income recognised in retained earnings (net of
taxes) |
(34.64) |
6.53 |
Profit available for appropriation (D) |
26,527.87 |
23,450.49 |
Appropriations: Dividend on Equity share paid during the year#
(E) |
(1,023.41) |
(1,151.34) |
Retained earnings closing balance carried forward (F)= (D)-(E) |
25,504.46 |
22,299.15 |
#Pertains to dividend for the financial year comprising of fifteen months period ended
31 March 2023 @ 120% including special dividend (Previous year @ 135% including special
dividend for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 comprising of twelve months) on
85,284,223 equity shares of Rs.10 each.
Financial Performance for the financial year ended 31 March 2024
Your Company clocked total revenues from operations of Rs.27,687 million during the
financial year ended 31 March 2024 as compared to Rs. 31,355 million during the 15 months
period ended 31 March 2023.
When compared with similar 12 months period ended 31 March 2023, the current year's
revenue reflects a decent growth of 6.4% over previous year base of Rs.26,013 million.
Gases Division recorded a remarkable double-digit growth of 10.2% year-on-year, growing
from Rs.18,157 million to Rs. 20,006 million and the Project Engineering Division recorded
a revenue of Rs. 7,681 million, marginally down by 2.2% year-on-year.
The growth in Gases revenue was driven by high gas & liquid demand across all key
sectors, strong pricing discipline and surge in helium demand. Gases consumption in steel
sector continued to be on the higher side in line with sectoral growth. Our Project
Engineering business continued to ride the cyclic momentum with healthy order book
position, growth capex projects pipeline and remained resilient to win projects across
diverse industries and sectors.
During the year under review, your Company achieved earnings before interest, taxation,
depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of Rs. 7,793 million as compared to Rs. 8,736
million in the previous financial year comprising of 15 months period from 1 January 2022
to 31 March 2023.
Again, on comparison with 12 months period ended 31 March 2023, the EBITDA grew by Rs.
515 million, representing a growth of 7.1% year-on-year. This increase in operating profit
was due to strong growth in merchant volume mainly liquid oxygen and liquid argon and
strong pricing across all products. The Onsite segment faced incremental demand from steel
customers and Packaged Gases business successfully served high demand of industrial
products, helium, special gas at impressive pricing. Healthcare segment also indicated
increased demand in Liquid Medical Oxygen from both private and Govt. hospitals across the
country. The Company's cross functional culture of cost productivity and consistent
operational efficiencies continue to support the profitability growth.
The total depreciation for the year ended 31 March 2024 stood at Rs. 2,009 million,
which was marginally lower in comparison to Rs. 2,529 million during the 15 months period
ended 31 March 2023 and Rs. 2,071 million for similar 12 months period ended 31 March
2023, as major projects are still under construction and old assets are getting amortized
over time.
Profit before tax (PBT) on 12 months comparable period shows an incremental profit of
Rs. 555 million, representing a handsome growth of 10.8% year-on-year, translating from
quality sales and cost productivity.
The total tax expenses for financial year ended 31 March 2024 stood at Rs. 1,448
million as against Rs. 786 million during the 15 months period ended 31 March 2023. The
Company had elected to exercise the lower tax rate of 22% (effective rate of 25.168%)
permitted under the new tax rate regime under Section 115BAA of the Income Tax Act, 1961
from the Tax year beginning 1 April 2022 which resulted in lower tax expense and
re-measurement of deferred tax liabilities in financial year ended March 2023.
Profit after tax (PAT) for the year stood at Rs. 4,263 million as against Rs. 5,358
million for the 15 months period ended 31 March 2023 and Rs. 4,719 million for similar 12
months period ended 31 March 2023. The lower PAT was mainly on account of the tax reversal
recorded in the previous period.
Your Board has recommended a dividend of 120% (Rs. 12/- per equity share) which
comprises of a normal dividend of 40% (Rs. 4/- per equity share) and a special dividend of
80% (Rs. 8/- per equity share) on 85,284,223 equity shares of Rs.10 /- each in the Company
for the financial year ended 31 March 2024, as against a dividend of 120% (Rs. 12/- per
equity share) for the 15 months period ended 31 March 2023, which comprised of a normal
dividend of 45% (Rs. 4.50/- per equity share) and a special dividend of 75% (Rs. 7.50/-
per equity share).
The Board's recommendation for dividend has been made after considering the
sustainability of the operating performance and cash flow position of the Company and is
in line with its Dividend Distribution Policy. The dividend is subject to the approval of
the Members at the ensuing 88th Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on
Monday, 12 August 2024 and will be paid to the Members whose names appear in the Register
of Members on the date of the Book Closure fixed for this purpose. This dividend will
result in cash outgo of Rs. 1,023.41 million equivalent to that of the 15 months period
ended 31 March 2023. The dividends paid or distributed by the Company shall be taxable in
the hands of the Members. Your Company shall accordingly, make the payment of dividend
after deduction of tax at source as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
The Board has not recommended any transfer to general reserves from the profits during
the year under review.
The Dividend Distribution Policy is annexed to this report and is also available on the
Company's website at https://
Policy_%28FINAL%29%20LIL_tcm526-660614.pdf [Annexure 1]
Consolidated Financial Statements
Although the Company does not have any subsidiary, as per the requirement of Section
129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the applicable Indian Accounting Standard 110 issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, your Company has prepared consolidated
financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 together with its joint
venture company, Linde South Asia Services Private Ltd. (earlier known as LSAS Services
Private Ltd.). The said consolidated financial statements of the Company form part of the
Annual Report. The Company is not required to consolidate the financials of Bellary Oxygen
Company Private Limited, another joint venture company as the equity method of accounting
is not applicable since it is classified as "investments held for sale." The
Company also has three Associates as on 31 March 2024, viz. Avaada MHYavat Pvt Ltd., FPEL
Surya Pvt Ltd. and Zenataris Renewable Energy Pvt Ltd. The financials of the said
Associates have not been consolidated with the financials of the Company for the reasons
more specifically explained in Note 1 of the Notes to the consolidated Financial
Statements forming part of this Annual Report. However, since the Company does not have a
subsidiary, the compliance under Section 136 of the Companies Act, 2013 about separate
financial statements do not apply to it.
Details of Joint Venture and Associate Companies
As on 31 March 2024, the Company had two joint ventures and three associates, whose
details are provided below:
Joint Ventures
Bellary Oxygen Company Private Ltd.
Bellary Oxygen Company Private Ltd. is a joint venture of the Company in the gases
business with Inox Air Products Private Ltd. as the other JV partner and both JV partners
own 50% of the issued and paid-up share capital of the joint venture company. The said
joint venture company operated an 855 tpd Air Separation Unit at Bellary, Karnataka for
supply of gases under a long-term gas supply agreement to JSW Steel Ltd.'s works at
Bellary. As mentioned in the earlier Annual Reports of the previous years in the update on
Belloxy Divestment Business, upon the expiry of the gas supply contract with JSW Steel
Ltd. on 14 November 2021, Bellary Oxygen Company Private Ltd. signed and executed the
Asset Sale Agreement with JSW Steel Ltd. Your Company has subsequently filed the closure
report with the CCI and it is proposed to liquidate the joint venture company.
Linde South Asia Services Private Ltd. (formerly known as LSAS Services Private Ltd.)
Linde South Asia Services Private Ltd. is a joint venture company between Linde India
Ltd. and Praxair India Private Ltd., with both the JV partners owning 50% each of its
total issued and paid-up equity share capital. Linde South Asia Services Private Ltd has
an Operation and Management Services Agreement with both the JV partners, under which, the
joint venture company renders O&M Services to both Linde India Ltd. and Praxair India
Private Ltd., which consists of carrying out all support services relating to functions
such as Procurement, SHEQ, Human Resources, Finance, IT, Legal, Administration, Business
Development, Onsite account management, Sales & Marketing, Product Management, etc. on
an arms' length basis.
Pursuant to Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, a statement containing salient
features of the financial statements of the joint venture companies in the prescribed Form
AOC-1 is annexed to this report. [Annexure 2]
Avaada MHYavat Private Ltd.
Avaada MHYavat Private Ltd. (formerly known as Avaada HNSirsa Private Ltd) is engaged
in the business of establishing, commissioning, setting up, operating and generation of
electricity through renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, bio-mass, hydro,
geothermal, co-generation and/or any other means in India or elsewhere, including
transmission, distribution, supply and sale of such power either directly or through
transmission lines and facilities of Central/ State Governments or Private Companies or
Electricity Boards to industries and to Central/ State Government and other consumers of
electricity including captive consumption. Your Company has invested a sum of Rs. 113.75
million towards subscription of 11,375,000 equity shares of Avaada MHYavat Private Ltd.
representing 26% of the total paid-up capital of the said Associate during the 15 months
period ended 31 March 2023. These investments were made with an objective to purchase
renewable power under captive mechanism, resulting in a lower tariff and consequent cost
FPEL Surya Private Ltd.
FPEL Surya Private Ltd. is engaged in the business of establishing, commissioning,
setting operation and generation of electricity through renewable energy source such as
wind, solar, and/or any other means in India or elsewhere, including transmission,
distribution, supply and sale of such power either directly or through transmission lines
and facilities of Central/State Governments or Private Companies or Electricity Board to
industries and to Central/State Government and other consumers of electricity including
captive consumption. Your Company has invested a sum of Rs. 76.95 million towards
subscription of 1,539,000 equity shares of FPEL Surya Private Ltd. representing 26% of the
total paid-up capital of the said Associate during the 15 months period ended 31 March
2023. These investments were also made with an objective to purchase renewable power under
captive mechanism, resulting in a lower tariff and consequent cost savings.
Zenataris Renewable Energy Private Ltd.
Zenataris Renewable Energy Private Ltd is engaged in the business of establishing,
commissioning, operation and generation of electricity through renewable energy source
such as wind, solar and/or any other means in India or elsewhere, including transmission,
distribution, supply and sale of such power either directly or through transmission lines
and facilities of Central/State Governments or Private Companies or Electricity Board to
industries and to Central/State Government and other consumers of electricity including
captive consumption. During the year under review, your Company has invested a sum of Rs.
410.90 million towards subscription of 7,196,147 equity shares of Zenataris Renewable
Energy Private Ltd. representing 23.96% of the total paid-up capital of the said
Associate. These investments were also made with an objective to purchase renewable power
under captive mechanism, resulting in a lower tariff and consequent cost savings.
Pursuant to Section 129(3) of the Companies Act 2013, a statement containing salient
features of the financial statements of the associate companies in the prescribed Form
AOC-1 is annexed to this report. [Annexure 2]
Business Segments
Your Company's business has two broad segments, viz. Gases & Related Products and
Project Engineering in line with the operating model of the Linde plc Group. The details
about these business segments together with the industry developments are given below:
Gases, Related Products & Services
The gases business is capital intensive by nature as it requires large investments in
setting up of air separation units as well as new packaged gases sites. The supply chain
in the gases business also requires significant investments in the form of distribution
assets and storage networks to service bulk volumes as well as in the form of cylinders to
service relatively smaller volumes in packaged gases business. Our major users comprise of
steel, chemicals and refinery sectors and a large number of merchant liquid customers
primarily in metal, glass, automobile, petrochemicals and pharmaceutical sectors, besides
customers for medical gases. New applications continue to provide growth opportunities.
This growth also gets supported by the outsourcing of gases requirement under a
Build Own Operate' (BOO) type of supply scheme opportunities.
The Gases & Related Products segment comprises of pipeline gas supplies (Onsite) to
large industrial customers, mainly the primary steel, glass and chemical industries,
supply of liquefied gases through Cryogenic tankers (Bulk) to cater to mid-size demands
across a wide range of industrial sectors and compressed gas supply in cylinders (Packaged
Gas) for meeting smaller demand for gases mainly across fabrication, manufacturing and
construction industry. The primary production of gases (oxygen, nitrogen and argon) is
mostly achieved through cryogenic distillation of air in Air Separation Units (ASU).
Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon can also be produced in the gaseous state and supplied through
pipeline to the Onsite customers or produced in liquid form and stored in insulated
cryogenic tanks for supply to Bulk customers or further processed in the Packaged Gas
plants to bottle compressed gas in cylinders. The strategy of the bulk and packaged gas
business continues to focus on building density and sustaining market leadership through
application led gas sales and enhanced service levels. The Healthcare business, an
important part of the Gases business, provides high quality gases for pharmaceutical use
such as medical oxygen, synthetic air and nitrous oxide in addition to providing state of
the art medical gas distribution systems to major hospitals.
Industry Update
India's growth rate was the second highest among G20 countries and almost twice the
average of emerging market economies. At 7.2%, India's economy grew at one of the fastest
rates among the majors in FY 202223. From December 2022 to October 2023, the Indian
rupee maintained a remarkably stable position in the foreign exchange market, resulting in
enhancement of investor's confidence and thus, attracted foreign investments. Index of
Industrial Production (IIP) growth rates during the period April-October 2023 in FY
2023-24 over the corresponding period last year was 6.9%; Mining, Manufacturing and
Electricity recorded robust growth. Micron Technologies announced a US$2.75 billion chip
packaging plant in Gujarat, becoming the first overseas company to commence construction
under Indian Semiconductor Mission (ISM). The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
created history with the successful soft landing of its Chandrayaan-3 mission on the lunar
south pole. India became the 4th nation to achieve a soft landing and became
the first to reach unexplored south pole. The G-20 Summit, 2023 was hosted by India, with
the theme- One Earth, One Family, One Future with the focus on green development,
inclusive growth, digital economy, public infrastructure and reforms for women empowerment
for socioeconomic progress. Chipmaker AMD unveiled a 500,000-square-foot campus in
Bengaluru, focused on the design and development of semiconductor technology, including 3D
stacking, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and more. As on November
2023, Government of India has approved 50 Solar Parks with an aggregate capacity of 10,401
MW, out of which 284 MW has already been commissioned. About 741 MW capacity has been
installed under the grid connected rooftop solar programme till November 2023.
As if the moon was not enough, India aimed for the stars in 2023 with the launch of a
spacecraft designed to study the solar atmosphere. Not only is science advancing rapidly
in India, but so are other fields. India's GDP is anticipated to exceed US$5 trillion,
according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) predictions. By 2027, India's economy will
have surpassed both Japan's and Germany's to become the third largest in the world.
With increased participation in the capital market, India is now harnessing digital
capital to fund physical infrastructure even as foreign capital inflows remain volatile.
According to the World Bank's latest India Development Update (IDU), despite
significant global challenges, India was one of the fastest-growing major economies in FY
2022-23 at 7.2%. Strong domestic demand, significant investments in public infrastructure
and a growing financial sector served as the foundation for this resiliency.
What made the highlights was that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at a
higher-than-expected 7.6% in the July to September 2023 quarter, as per initial estimates
from the National Statistical Office. In 2023, the inflation rate was the highest in July
at 7.44%, the second-highest inflation rate since November 2021. The rupee depreciated
approximately 0.29% from 82.7 on 1 January 2023 to around 83.01 on 15 December 2023.
According to figures from the Periodic Labour Force Survey, urban unemployment has come
down from 7.2% in September 2022 to 6.6% in September 2023. The worker population ratio,
percentage of employed persons in the population, in urban areas increased from 44.5% in
September 2022 to 46% in September 2023.
According to IMF reports, the Indian rupee-dollar rate experienced minimal fluctuations
from December 2022 to October 2023. The rupee's movement was restrained as a result of the
RBI's unwavering support, which included dollar sales and proactive reserve replenishment.
The rupee depreciated approximately 0.29% from around 82.7% on 1 January 2023 to around
83.01 on 15 December 2023.
Steel sector: With the industry accounting for about 2% of the nation's GDP, India
ranks as the world's second-largest producer of steel (with an output of 125.32 MT of
crude steel and finished steel production of 121.29 MT in FY 2023). The growth in the
Indian steel sector has been driven by the domestic availability of raw materials such as
iron ore and cost-effective labour. According to the data released by the Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), between April 2000-September 2023,
Indian metallurgical industries attracted FDI inflows of US$ 17.40 billion. In March 2023,
57 Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) were signed for generating an investment of about
295 billion in the steel sector by FY 2028.
Automotive sector: The Indian automobile industry has historically been a good
indicator of how well the economy is doing, as the automobile sector plays a key role in
both macroeconomic expansion and technological advancement. The two-wheelers segment
dominates the market in terms of volume, owing to a growing middle class and a huge
percentage of India's population being young. Moreover, the growing interest of companies
in exploring the rural markets further aided the growth of the sector. The rising
logistics and passenger transportation industries are driving up demand for commercial
India is the world's largest manufacturer of two-wheelers, with over 21 million
produced annually. In terms of heavy vehicles, India is the world largest manufacturer of
tractors, the world's third largest heavy truck manufacturer and fourth largest car
manufacturer. Automobile Sector resulted in 5.35% of the total FDI inflow as per the
December 2023 DPIIT Report. The automobile component industry turnover stood at Rs. 5,600
billion (US$ 69.7 billion) between 2022-23 and the industry had revenue growth of 32.8% as
compared to 2021-22.
In Union Budget 2023-24 presented on 1 February 2023, adequate funds have been
allocated for scrapping of old vehicles of Central and State Govt. Replacing old polluting
vehicles is indicated as an important part of greener economy.
The Ministry of Heavy Industries has announced the extension of the tenure of the
Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Automobile and Auto Components by one year
with partial amendments. Under the amended scheme, the incentive will be applicable for a
total of five consecutive financial years, starting from the financial year 2023-24. The
scheme has been successful in attracting proposed investment of Rs 676.90 billion against
the target estimate of investment of Rs 425 billion over a period of five years.
Owing to the low penetration of passenger vehicles in the market, there is expected to
be further growth in this segment boosting robust sales growth of Argon.
Electronics Sector: Electronic exports have become the 6th largest
export commodity group as of March 2023. With rising per capita disposable income and
private consumption, India has emerged as one of the largest markets for electronic
products in the world. The electronics sector of India contributes around 3.4% of the
country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). India's electronics manufacturing services
industry is growing, driven by higher share of outsourcing in India by Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEMs), developing component ecosystem and government incentives.
India's domestic production increased at a CAGR of 13% from $49 billion in FY 2017 to
$101 billon in FY 2023. The exports of electronic goods increased by 50.52% in FY 2023 to
reach US$ 23.57 billion as compared to US$ 15.66 billion in FY 2022. Import substitution
of 60% has been achieved in the Telecom sector and India has become almost
selfreliant in Antennae, Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) & Customer
Premises Equipment (CPE).
Production-Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for large-scale electronics manufacturing
(including mobiles) has seen investments worth Rs. 68.87 billion (US$ 833 million) (till
June 2023), already surpassing the target for FY 2024 which was Rs. 54.88 billion (US$
664.4 million). India and Japan on 20 July 2023, signed an agreement for semiconductor
design, manufacturing, equipment research and talent development and to bring resilience
to the semiconductor supply chain.
Healthcare & Pharma Sector: As per the ICRA reports, private hospitals are
projected to add 30,000 beds over next 5 years.
India's fast-growing middle class is spending more on healthcare. With increasing
disposable incomes and higher penetration of insurance technology platforms and private
players, private healthcare has become more accessible. Covid has also changed consumer
attitudes towards healthcare spending. Government health expenditures have also risen
significantly from ~29% in 2014-15 to ~39% in 2021-22. This is expected to increase
Gases Performance
Onsite: The Company continued to optimize plant operations with a view to improve
specific power in various plants on an ongoing basis. Multiple productivity initiatives
like cooler replacement, passing valve issue rectification, loss reduction, reduction in
unit power, etc. were taken up at various sites to reduce energy consumption and to
improve profitability. The Company has started sourcing of renewable energy through long
term contract and is also exploring opportunity for open access from captive farms
both solar and wind (Hybrid open access at Taloja, Rourkela and Tata KPO). The Company has
also signed long term agreement for renewable energy sourcing at its ASU sites situated at
Dahej, Ludhiana and Selaqui. The Company had also during the year installed Rooftop Solar
PV at its various sites across country viz. Pune, Dabaspet, Kolkata HO, Uluberia, PMW II,
Taloja ASU & PGP.
On comparison with 12 months period ended 31 March 2023, Merchant Bulk Business
witnessed an 8% increase in revenues against FY 2023. Similarly, at 1713 tpd, liquid
loading for FY 2024 was higher than FY 2023. In line with the robust growth demonstrated
by Gujarat in semiconductors, chemicals and manufacturing sectors, the Company has
commissioned its 2nd merchant ASU plant at Dahej with an additional incremental
capacity of 250 tpd. Your Company continues to consolidate and expand its footprint in the
glass/frit and chemical industry in the state of Gujarat. Rapid expansion and growth in
steel sector in the Eastern Region of the country is creating huge opportunities for
growth as well. The Company is working out expansive and innovative operating models to
cater to this requirement from ASUs located in other regions. Improvement in automobile
and metal fabrication segments as well as the increasing demand in the specialty steel
segment have led to stress on Argon volumes across the country. Constrained availability
of Argon is being compensated by improved pricing in the market. The Company continued its
growth and dominance in the public Healthcare segments in the states of Uttar Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh and Bihar. The Company continues to differentiate in the markets, through
customized Application PSOs in the Glass/frit, Beverage, Metals (Copper, Aluminium) and
tyre curing sectors. Chemicals/Specialty Chemicals are aiding higher Nitrogen volumes and
a spike in demand from Steel and refinery segment has led to increased sale of Oxygen and
Merchant packaged business Industrial Products, Healthcare & Special
Products and Chemicals: Your Company has been at the forefront of providing
uninterrupted medical oxygen supply to hospitals across the country. The Company has taken
significant steps to ensure that hospitals have access to the purest medical oxygen
supplies as per Indian Pharmacopoeia specifications. On comparison with 12 months period
ended 31 March 2023, healthcare business revenue was 8% higher than FY 2023 on account of
return to normalcy. To achieve this, the company has installed and enhanced multiple
Liquid Medical Oxygen installations and has 22 healthcare PSA installations across the
country. These installations enhance oxygen availability and ensure hospitals have a
reliable and consistent supply.
The advancement of healthcare facilities in tier II and tier III cities is of utmost
importance to ensure the health and well-being of citizens. These cities are often home to
a large population, but they often lack adequate healthcare facilities. One of the primary
reasons for advancing healthcare facilities in tier II and tier III cities is to improve
healthcare access and equity. These cities often face challenges in providing quality
healthcare services due to limited resources and infrastructure. By investing in PSA
installations in these cities your Company ensures equitable access to healthcare.
In addition to medical oxygen supply, your Company has also been focused on innovations
in addressing the needs of healthcare professionals. The Company has actively promoted the
use of ENTONOX?, a patented mixture of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen, as an analgesic and
anxiolytic agent. This innovation has expanded the use of ENTONOX? beyond pain management
during childbirth and now extends to colonoscopy procedures. Recognizing the importance of
innovation in the healthcare industry, the Company has also introduced NOxBOXi?, NO
therapy system. NOxBOXi? is used for organ transplant and treatment of respiratory
distress in newborns.
Some of the key initiatives taken by the Company during the year in the Healthcare
segment are as under:
1. Extension of medical gas pipeline system: The Company expanded its presence
in the field of medical gas pipeline systems. This expansion has helped the Company cater
to a wider range of hospitals and healthcare facilities.
2. Expansion of geographic footprint for LIV cylinder facility: The Company
extended the availability of its LIV cylinder facility to a wider geographic area. This
expansion enables the Company to cater to more hospitals and patients, ensuring the
availability of oxygen even in remote areas.
3. Expansion of customer reach: Your Company actively participated in various
healthcare symposiums and exhibitions and safety meetings, expanding its customer reach
and creating opportunities for collaboration and partnerships. Through these initiatives,
the Company has been able to connect with healthcare professionals, forge new
relationships and enhance its visibility in the market.
In conclusion, your Company's commitment to uninterrupted medical oxygen supply,
coupled with its focus on innovation and customer proximity, has made it a leader in the
healthcare business. The Company's efforts to install and enhance medical oxygen
installations, promote the use of ENTONOX? and introduce new products, such as NOxBOXi?,
have contributed to its continued success and growth in the market.
Industrial Products reported an increase of 17% on account of increased industrial
activity for production backlog clearance and inorganic growth effect as compared to that
of 12 months period ended 31 March 2023. Additional focus on Minibulk installations with a
focus on high margin products has been continued to ensure sustained customer
On comparison with 12 months period ended 31 March 2023, the Special Gas business
reported an annual growth of 31% against FY 2023. The said growth was also aided by a
constrained Helium supply situation. Despite the sustained Russia-Ukraine conflict and the
Red Sea crisis leading to higher supply chain costs, there was limited impact in product
supply to customers and incremental costs were recovered. The Company has sustained its
focus on the ophthalmic mixes segment as well as the Solar segment.
Customer Experience
At the core of our endeavours lies a fundamental belief: every interaction with our
customers is not just an opportunity but a privilege a chance to make a meaningful
impact. We embrace the ethos that exceptional customer experiences transcend more than
transactions; they are the bedrock of lasting relationships, advocacy and sustainable
As an ISO 10002:2018 & 10004:2018 certified organization, we raise our benchmark on
improving ourselves with Industry's best practices to evaluate ourselves through global
metrices like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES) and Customer
Satisfaction Index (CSI).
During the survey conducted in the FY 2023-24, we have seen some encouraging scores. We
scored 43 in Net Promoter Score, where an increase of 18% in Healthcare is recorded,
cementing the trust we have built in India's Healthcare sector. We are consistently
growing by 2% in our Customer Effort Score, with score of 4.2 as compared to last year's
4.1. Our overall Customer Satisfaction Index of 4.2, with an increase in almost all
business segments.
Operations and Distribution form the two essential functions of Linde if
Operations works like the heart, the Distribution function constitutes the bloodline for
Linde - taking care of large volume delivery of our products for our bulk business as well
as relatively smaller volumes in the form of cylinders for the packaged gases business.
Over the last few years, the Deliver function has been investing in technology to
enhance and transform key aspects of its operations planning, driver training and
communication, centralized control and monitoring, transportation and planning and
maintenance. The collective result of these digital initiatives is generating greater
yield in efficiency, productivity and above all safety.
The Company has continued to prioritize initiatives to overcome and mitigate the safety
risks involved in the distribution of products. As reported in the previous year's report,
while the Company has upgraded the Transport Operation Center (TOC) for more focused
monitoring, it has also implemented several new digital solutions to train the
Distribution crew. A virtual-reality- based methodology, which provides an immersive
experience and engagement for the drivers to learn about their day-to-day critical
processes, has been used to train more than 500 drivers. In addition, a video-based
digital learning program has been deployed to provide more relatable and visual means for
the drivers to understand the nuances of the processes and policies. The Company continues
to engage the simulator-based training mechanisms from its Jamshedpur facility, training
400+ drivers during the year under review. These new-tech-based trainings are in addition
to the regular mentoring and monitoring done by the Driver coaches (deployed against every
set of 50 drivers) on safe behavior and best practices of driving and fit for duty'
tests to check agility and fitness of the drivers before starting a trip. The Company has
also extended the use of technology to stay connected with the drivers round the clock.
Today, the entire Deliver function including 1200+ drivers are connected through a mobile
app, which not only provides critical information and guidance to the community but helps
them track their performance. Additionally, a 24X7 helpline has been set up to address
problems faced by the drivers, to assure that the Company is listening to their problems
and trying to offer support as and when needed.
The Company continues its on-route vigilance through the Mobile Digital Video Recorder
and the five sets of cameras covering the entire periphery of our vehicles and one set of
Fatigue & Distraction AI enabled camera to ensure that any fatigue and distraction
event(s) of drivers are identified and immediate actions are triggered to prevent the
vehicle from any untoward incident. The drivers are also assisted through real-time,
digital announcement to identify possible road risks. Recently, a machine-learning based
solution has been implemented to bring in further efficiency and transparency in the
distance measurement system.
With these innovative and digital solutions, the Company has improved its delivery
efficiency, i.e., we travel almost 1.7 million km per month on an average with splendid
performance in improving tonnes per trip by 5% year-on-year whereas overall delivered
tonnes improved by 7%. To improve the cost efficiency, the Company continued to maintain
the efficiency in managing the return and loss quantity to 1% average and improved the
capacity utilization of the tanker by 3%.
The Company's overall Safety performance has improved since previous years and were
successful to avoid any InControl' incidents during the year ended 31 March 2024.
Project Engineering
The Project Engineering Division (PED) of Linde India Limited is a powerhouse of
innovation, specializing in the design, engineering, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of Air Separation Plants (ASUs) and related projects on a turnkey basis. We
are a one-stop solution provider, guiding our clients from the initial conceptualization
phase to the seamless operation of their facilities.
PED's expertise extends to the manufacturing of essential equipment, backed by our
U-stamp certified facility in Kolkata. This state-of-the-art facility produces a wide
range of proprietary equipment, including distillation columns for air separation plants,
cryogenic liquid storage tanks, ambient and steam bath vaporizers, process vessels,
small-sized cold boxes, containerized micro plants for filling cylinders, submerged
combustion vaporizer and liquefiers for both internal use and sale to third-party
customers. This comprehensive in-house manufacturing capability ensures quality,
efficiency and timely delivery, enhancing our competitive edge.
Since 2020, PED has proudly maintained IMS certification, a testament to our commitment
to quality management, environmental responsibility and occupational health and safety
standards. This commitment permeates every aspect of our operations, ensuring our projects
meet the highest international standards.
Our journey in FY 2023-24 has been marked by significant milestones, reflecting our
unwavering dedication to delivering value. To meet the increasing demand for cryogenic
vessels, PED inaugurated a new, larger workshop in Jamshedpur in March 2024. This
expansion underscores our strategic vision and commitment to scaling our production
In the fiscal year, our order intake, comprising both third-party and internal
projects, stood at Rs. 1,778 million. Notable achievements include the supply of a 149 TPD
ASU for Kirloskar Ferro Industries Limited, an instrument and plant air system for Talcher
Fertilizers, a VPSA for Amara Raja, a client of Praxair India Private Ltd., cold box
supervision for Bhushan Power and Steel Limited, and Molecular Sieve supply for Nilachal
Ispat Nigam Ltd. (NINL).
This robust third-party order book is complemented by a significant portfolio of
in-house project orders totaling to Rs. 6,916 million. These projects include a Nitrous
oxide plant at Telangana, a Nitrogen plant at IOCL Panipat, a 1000 TPD ASU for RSP and a
Nitrogen plant for EMMVEE Solar.
FY 2023 witnessed several successful commissioning milestones, showcasing PED's
expertise and dedication. We successfully delivered 6 ASUs: two chains of 1000 TPD each at
NMDC, 250 TPD units one each at Patancheru, Dahej and Sricity and a 2063 TPD unit at
Bellary and re-commissioning of a 418 TPD unit at Tata Steel NINL. Additionally, we
commissioned 4 Nitrogen plants one each at Tangguh, Indonesia for CSTS, Mundra for Adani
Solar, Dumad for IOCL and Vizag for HPCL, along with a VPSA for Sesa Goa.
Driven by a robust pipeline for both onsite and in-house ASU projects in FY 2023-24,
PED's total order book stands at Rs. 20,003.90 million as of 31 March 2024. This signifies
a strong foundation for continued growth and reinforces PED's position as a leading
provider of air separation and cryogenic solutions.
As we look towards the future, PED remains committed to innovation, expansion and
delivering exceptional value to our clients. Our dedication to continuous improvement,
technological advancements and customer satisfaction will continue to drive our success in
the years to come.
The Indian economy is expected to growth at a CAGR of 6.7%. At this rate, by 2031, the
economy will have crossed the US$ 5 trillion mark and will be getting closer to the US$7
trillion mark to become the 3rd largest economy in the world. The subsequent
increase in per capita income is expected to improve domestic consumption rates due to
increasing disposable incomes on the back of dropping inflation rates. Monetary policy
easing in the US and European region will lead to further FDI, finding it's way to
emerging markets in South Asia, where India is quite well-positioned. Improved balance
sheets of banks have increased the flexibility of India Rs to pursue opportunities for
expansion. Capacity utilization of existing investments is expected to improve considering
the increased revenue growth of India Inc., projected at 9-10%. Long term commodity prices
are expected to remain flat, signalling cooling inflation rates and reducing risks of raw
material shocks.
With increasing competitiveness, manufacturing demand is expected to pick up pace. A
favorable policy push, improving foreign and private investments, opportunities from
global supply-chain diversification due to conflict are all expected to act in India's
favour. Infrastructure capex is gaining momentum and the industrial sector is expected to
follow suit in terms of improved capacity utilization and addition. Over the next four
years, capex is expected to grow 9-11% annually for both infrastructure and industry.
India's steel demand to touch 190 MT-mark by 2030; production to reach 210 MT at 7%
CAGR. Key initiatives like smart cities, freight corridors, high-speed rail, etc. indicate
a strong demand for steel. The industry is also seeing a greater focus on decarbonization
where your Company is well-positioned. Indian Automobile industry is capable of achieving
~US$1 trillion by 2035. Two-wheeler sales is expected to witness 9% to 11% growth between
2023 28 owing to rising income levels and need for personal mobility. PV segment
volumes are expected to record a growth of about 18-20% in FY 2024. Government
announcement of Rs 5 billion e-mobility scheme to promote two and three wheeler EVs will
help global car companies expedite investment decisions. Globally, the demand for electric
vehicles, electronics and semiconductors is expected to increase substantially. India is
expected to stand out as the favoured destination for new investments among other Asian
economies due to it's increasing domestic demand, favourable government policies and to
de-risk the supply chain away from the fragile geopolitical scenario of the East. With an
expected investment of Rs 5000-7000 billion in capex, it is estimated that roughly 20% of
the overall industrial investment will happen in these sectors which will augur well for
the medium to long term.
Indian pharmaceutical products market is projected to achieve a value of approximately
US$130 billion by the end of 2030, as per the Economic Survey. An investment of Rs. 60
billion has been approved by Centre under PLI scheme for pharma and medical devices
sectors. As per budget, total outlay for the development of the pharma industry for FY
2025 has been pegged at Rs. 13 billion.
Capital allocation for renewable energy has increased from US$ 41.73 billion to US$
57.6 billion in the current fiscal. The continued focus on the renewable energy as well as
favourable policies is also expected to give a fillip to the Solar industry creating
additional capacities to meet the Net Zero targets set out.
GDP growth and supply chain management can get hit due to the fragile geopolitical
situation in various parts of the world. Sectors like heavy engineering with exposure to
exports could face headwinds due to the recessionary environment prevailing in the United
States (US) and European Union (EU). A stagnant Chinese economy, looming overcapacity and
strained trade relations with the US and EU could push imports to India hurting local
manufacturing. Slowing Electronics segment in ASEAN (Semiconductor, Optic fiber, etc).
could impact Helium and rare gases sales in India. Escalation in West Asia conflict could
impact supply chain for imported products (helium and imported special products).
Fluctuations in oil supply and the increase in the global shipping costs could stoke
inflationary fears.
India is currently feeling the El Ni?o effect, with extreme weather events like the
delayed onset of winters and high variation in average rainfall in some regions. The
knock-on impact on agriculture, can lead to increased food inflation. This will also hurt
rural consumption especially industries like steel, cement, automobiles, etc. where we are
present. Efforts to rein in food inflation through export bans could also shed an
unfavorable light on India having restrictive policies. There has been high reliance on
the Steel sector. BOO model is gaining lesser favour with some customers preferring plant
ownership. Multiple competitors including overseas players in the small Onsite & sale
of equipment space putting pressure on margins. Alongside the increase in the captive and
merchant ASU capacity expansion, there is also parallel increase in competition with entry
of new players into merchant market including non-gas players. Loading of the additional
competition capacity created is leading to predatory pricing putting pressure on the
Risk Management
Your Company's business faces various risks - strategic as well as operational in both
its segments viz. Gases and Project Engineering, which arise from both internal and
external sources. As explained in the report on Corporate Governance, the Company has an
adequate risk management system, which takes care of identification, assessment and review
of risks. Your Company has been holding risk workshops periodically to refresh its risks
in line with the dynamic and ever- changing business environment and the last refresher
risk workshop was conducted on 20 July 2023, which was attended by the senior management
team with a view to refresh the various risks facing the business of the Company. The
risks being addressed by the Company during the year under review included risk relating
to the organisation structure, financial risk, risk of cyber-attacks on the Company's
plants and business systems, competition risk, procurement risk, customer behavioural
risk, risk related to climate change, macroeconomic risk, ESG risk, risk of regulatory
changes, etc.
Your Board of Directors provides an oversight of the risk management process in the
Company and reviews the progress of the action plans for the identified key risks with a
distinct focus on top 5 key risks on a quarterly basis. Mr Amit Dhanuka, Company Secretary
of the Company is the Chief Risk Officer of the Company.
The Company has a Risk Policy with a view to provide a more structured framework for
proactive management of all risks related to the business of the Company and to make it
more certain that the growth and earnings targets as well as strategic objectives are met.
As on 31 March 2024, your Company had zero' outstanding borrowing.
There were no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the
Company, which occurred between the end of the period to which these financial statements
relate and the date of this report.
Credit Rating
As your Company has zero' borrowings from the Banks, the last available rating of
your Company's total bank facilities - both fund-based and non-fund based by CRISIL was
withdrawn with effect from 1 August 2021.
Large Corporates Disclosure for Fund raising through Debt securities
As on 31 March 2024, your Company did not have any long-term borrowing. As a result of
the same, your Company does not meet the criteria specified by SEBI for large corporates
for fund raising through debt securities.
During the year under review, the Company has not accepted any deposits from public
under Chapter V of the Companies Act, 2013.
Significant and Material Orders passed by the Regulators or Courts
There have been no significant and material orders passed by the Regulators or Courts
or Tribunals impacting the going concern status and Company's operations. However, the
Company was in receipt of an Interim Ex-Parte Order bearing reference no. WTM/
AB/30299/2024-25 dated 29 April 2024 passed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) under Sections 11(1), 11(4) and 11B of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
Act, 1992, in relation to an ongoing investigation carried out by SEBI. The Company had on
13 May 2024 filed an appeal before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) against the
SEBI's aforesaid Order, which was heard by the Hon'ble Bench on 16 May 2024 and 17 May
2024, respectively. SAT has vide its Order dated 22 May 2024 allowed the appeal filed by
the Company and has set aside the SEBI's Interim Ex-Parte Order bearing reference no.
WTM/AB/30299/2024-25 dated 29 April 2024.
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
During the year under review, neither any application nor any proceeding has been
initiated against the Company under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
Particulars of loans, guarantees or investments
The particulars of loans, guarantees given and investments made during the year under
review under Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 are annexed to this Report. [Annexure 3]
Key Financial Ratios
Please refer Note no. 47 of the Standalone Financial Statements for the details on Key
Financial Ratios.
Investor Education and Protection Fund
During the year under review, your Company had transferred the 61st
unpaid/unclaimed dividend amount of Rs.0.36 million pertaining to the financial year ended
31 December 2015 to the Investor Education and Protection Fund in compliance with the
provisions of Sections 124 and 125 of the Companies Act, 2013. In compliance with these
provisions read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting,
Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, your Company also transferred 16,757 equity
shares held by 144 shareholders to the Demat Account of the IEPF Authority on 25 July 2023
and 26 July 2023, in respect of which dividend had remained unpaid/unclaimed for a
consecutive period of 7 years. More information in this regard is provided in the
Corporate Governance Report.
Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ)
At Linde, our aim truly is to avoid causing any harm to people or the environment and
as such Safety remains one of our topmost priority. Compliance with SHEQ rules, standards
and procedures are pre-requisite for all employees & contractors. Management is
committed to ensure that all personnel are trained and made competent before undertaking
any safety critical activity for the Company.
Global Safety Commitment Day 2023 was celebrated at all Linde operating units &
project sites in the month of September 2023 with the theme of Focus on Safety
You make it Happen'. The objective is to spend time with our colleagues &
reiterate, that our goal continues to be ZERO Today zero incidents, zero injuries.
The way we reach our goal is by creating and maintaining a workplace where safety is our
prime focus. This can happen only when all employees join hands together.
SHEQ Standards are continuously reviewed over the past few years and in 2023, many new
standards on safe work practices were launched and implemented. The standards did help to
overall improve the process and make them safer.
To strengthen the SHEQ performance a comprehensive SHEQ Annual Operating Plan (AOP) was
introduced, covering the area of improvements in Process safety, Distribution safety,
Operational safety, Behavioral & Personnel safety, Quality & Environmental safety.
These helped in prioritizing our efforts.
Along with various Management control actions, focus was given on training of plant
personnel through various campaigns such as "Slips Trips & Fall", Hazardous
Atmosphere, Working at Height, Hand protection at Project Sites, etc. An extensive
training on Behavioral Safety was given to Distribution & Plant personnel. A Health
Safety Environment Leadership program was also organized for 2nd in Line
Managers from multiple departments.
At Linde, we have never stopped embracing technological advancement. After upgrading
our fleet with modern tracking system, driver assist equipment, now the driver training is
enhanced through simulators installed at 2-3 central locations. Virtual Reality equipment
are also introduced for drivers to give on the job training of non-driving activity such
as filling/decantation, loading & unloading, safety precautions before starting of
loading/ unloading, etc.
All the safety initiatives have given results with substantial decrease in Commercial
Vehicle Incidents, whereas the Lost Work Day cases & the Total Recordable cases show a
flat curve.
The Safety journey at Linde continues & safety remains as a Top Priority item in
the list.
Human Resources
The year under review has been one with a remarkable growth and achievements for our
Despite the challenges posed by an ever-evolving market landscape, we have continued to
innovate expand and strengthen our position as an industry leader. Our commitment to
excellence customer satisfaction and sustainable practices has driven us to new heights
and we are excited to share the milestones we have reached, the progress we have made and
the strategic initiatives we are implementing to ensure future success.
On the Diversity and Inclusion front, we concluded our first Women Leadership
Programme, IGNITE. A batch of 26 women participated in a virtual learning session for a
period of four months which covered topics like Breaking Barriers, Success Mindset,
Practicing Emotional Intelligence, Influencing Skills, Executive Presence &
Networking, Leadership Essentials, Collaboration and Business Acumen.
Additionally, we also arranged for Leadership Cafes where they met 3 Leaders from
Linde's APAC region to get inspired and learn about their success story.
Harmonious and productive work culture was maintained on Employee Relations front
during the period under reference. The sustained record of having Zero manhour loss due to
labour issues was duly maintained.
Amongst activities of significance was Signing-off of Long-Term Settlement between the
Company's management and the Union Representatives for the unionized workers of West
Bengal. The tripartite settlement has been executed for a period of 3 and half years and
includes mutually agreed points aimed at productive growth.
In addition, engagement activities for blue collar employees including celebration of
major festivals like Vishwakarma puja, picnics and get togethers were organized which
helped maintaining stronger employee bond.
The Company had harmonious employee relations across all its plants and offices in
India. As on 31 March 2024, the total manpower strength was 269.
Disclosure as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal) Act, 2013
The Company remains committed to provide and promote a safe, healthy and congenial
atmosphere irrespective of gender, caste, creed or social class of the employees. The
Company's Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment' is in line with the provisions
of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder. Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has been set
up to redress complaints, if any, received regarding sexual harassment. All employees
whether permanent, contractual, temporary, etc. have been covered under this Policy. The
Policy is gender neutral. During the year under review, one complaint alleging sexual
harassment was received by the Company, which was investigated and redressed by the
Internal Complaints Committee. The complaint was closed after initiating applicable
consequence management action. As a preventive measure and to create awareness in this
area, the Company has been conducting refresher programs for all permanent and contractual
Prescribed Particulars of remuneration
The disclosures pertaining to ratio of remuneration of each Director to the median
remuneration of all the employees of the Company, percentage increase in remuneration of
each Director and other details as required under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act,
2013 read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial
Personnel) Rules, 2014, as amended, are annexed to this Report. [Annexure 4]
In terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule
5(2) and 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel)
Rules, 2014, as amended, a statement containing the names and other prescribed particulars
of top 10 employees in terms of remuneration drawn and that of every employee, who if
employed throughout the year ended 31 March 2024 was in receipt of remuneration
aggregating to not less than Rs. 10.20 million; and if employed for part of the said
period, was in receipt of remuneration not less than Rs.0.85 million per month forms part
of this Report. However, having regard to the provisions to the proviso of Section 136(1)
of the Companies Act, 2013, the Annual Report is being sent to all the Members of the
Company excluding this information. The aforesaid statement is available for inspection by
Members at the Registered Office of the Company during business hours on working days up
to the date of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Any Member interested in obtaining a
copy of the said information may write to the Company Secretary at the Registered Office
of the Company and the same will be furnished on request and the said information is also
available on the website of the Company. None of the employees is covered under Rule
5(3)(viii) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules,
2014, as amended.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
As a member of The Linde plc Group, your Company has been a socially responsible
corporate and our core values define the way we operate and create value within the larger
society. Linde's core principles and values form the basis of its CSR policy. Your Company
is therefore, committed to behave responsibly towards people, society and the environment
for inclusive growth of the society where we operate to conserve natural resources and to
develop sustainable products. In line with its CSR Policy, Linde India's CSR commitment
centres around four thematic areas - Education, Health, Environment and Livelihood (Skill
Development) and other areas including Disaster Management as specified in Schedule VII to
the Companies Act, 2013.
Some of the CSR projects/initiatives taken up/sustained during the year under review
included expenditure for education programs for underprivileged children in Kolkata and
Odisha, providing education and other support for blind children in Rourkela. Further, as
a part of its endeavour to support disaster relief, the Company made a contribution to the
Himachal Pradesh Government for providing emergency assistance for granting relief to the
individuals and families affected by natural calamities. Other initiatives included
projects across plant and office locations proposed and executed by the employees of the
Company aimed at community building/ development. The Company also had two ongoing
projects, one of them being Defensive driver training in collaboration with Institute for
Road Traffic Education for drivers of heavy vehicles at several locations including Delhi
NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra and Jharkhand for making
the highways safer and two-wheeler training workshops for delivery agents, and first-time
drivers and university students. It also included a project on building infrastructure in
Gujarat by Scaling Zero Fatality Corridors called the "Zero-Fatality Corridor"
(ZFC) model, a solution which identifies high-fatality stretches of roads and implements
distilled solutions. Another ongoing project of the Company comprised of training and
awareness programs through Centre for Catalyzing Change to promote the cause of natural
childbirth and reduce the rate of C-Section deliveries in Odisha. The Company has also
been involved in conducting paramedical training for the female students in Dehradun and
Hyderabad, providing medical treatment to the underprivileged children with congenital
heart defects in the state of Tamil Nadu. The Company's CSR initiatives towards
environment included projects relating to ecosystem conservation (water & soil
conservation, planting trees, etc.) and waste management in the states of Jharkhand, West
Bengal and Uttarakhand.
Your Company encourages volunteering of services by its employees into its CSR
initiatives, which are measured as employee days spent on CSR projects.
The total spend on CSR during the year under review amounted to Rs. 80.20 million on
various CSR projects/activities as mentioned above, which was duly approved by the CSR
Committee and Board of Directors of the Company. The details required to be disclosed
relating to the CSR projects/activities for the year ended 31 March 2024 are covered in
the Annual Report on CSR activities, which is annexed to this Report. [Annexure 5]
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report
The Linde plc Group has published a detailed Sustainable Development Report 2022, which
is prepared in accordance with GRI standards. Linde Plc Group's mission of "making
our world more productive" reflects its strong belief that Linde is a part of the
solution to the climate change challenges faced by the world. As a member of the Linde plc
Group, your Company has adopted the various policies of its parent, that relate to the 9
principles laid down by the Securities and Exchange Board of India for Business
Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) by the top 1000 listed entities in
India based on market capitalisation. As stipulated in Regulation 34(2) of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, your Company has
included a BRSR as an integral part of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024
briefly describing initiatives taken by it from an environment, social and governance
perspective during the year under review. The BRSR provides an avenue for disclosing an
overview of the Company's material ESG risks and opportunities, goals and targets related
to sustainability and performance against them. SEBI vide its Circular No.
SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-SEC-2/P/CIR/2023/122 dated 12 July 2023 had updated BRSR format and had
also introduced BRSR Core, which is a sub-set of the BRSR, consisting of a set of Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) /metrics under 9 ESG attributes. In the said circular, SEBI
mandated the top 150 listed entities by market capitalization to undertake reasonable
assurance of the BRSR Core and include the same in the Annual Report to be prepared for
the Financial Year 2023-24. Your Company was amongst the top 150 listed entities by market
capitalization as on 31 March 2023 and the said BRSR Core was applicable on the Company
for the Financial Year 2023-24. The Company has obtained a reasonable assurance on the
BRSR Core from Futurestation Advisors LLP and the same forms part of this Annual Report.
Corporate Governance
As a member of the Linde plc Group, your Company attaches great importance to sound
responsible management and good corporate governance. Linde plc follows highest standards
in corporate governance and has policies and international best practices to build a
strong governance architecture. Your Company remains committed to business integrity, high
ethical standards and professionalism in all its activities same as ever. As an essential
part of this commitment, the Board of Directors of your Company supports high standards in
corporate governance.
It is the endeavour of the Company to ensure that their actions are always based on
principles of responsible corporate management. In the Linde plc Group, corporate
governance is seen as an ongoing process. Your Company closely follows the developments in
the governance norms and has taken lead in ensuring compliance with the same. A separate
report on Corporate Governance along with the certificate of the Secretarial Auditor, M/s.
P Sarawagi & Associates, Company Secretaries, confirming compliance of the conditions
of corporate governance, as stipulated under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 forms an integral part of this Annual Report.
Board Meetings
A calendar of Board and Committee meetings is agreed and circulated in advance to the
Directors. The Board met four times during the year under review, details where of are
given in the Corporate Governance Report, which forms part of this Report.
Board Membership Criteria
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company identifies and ascertains the
integrity, qualification, expertise, positive attributes and experience of persons for
appointment as Directors and thereafter recommends the candidature for election as a
Director on the Board of the Company. The Committee follows defined criteria in the
process of obtaining optimal Board diversity which, inter-alia, includes optimum
combination of executive and non-executive directors, appointment based on specific needs
and business of the Company, qualification, knowledge, experience and skill of the
proposed appointee, etc. The Policy on appointment and removal of Directors, Board
Diversity Criterion and Remuneration to Directors/Key Managerial Personnel/Senior
Management forms part of the Nomination and Remuneration Policy of the Company, which is
available on the Company's website at
Familiarisation Programme for Directors
In terms of Regulation 25(7) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, your Company is required to conduct the Familiarisation Programme for
Independent Directors (IDs) to familiarise them about their roles, rights,
responsibilities in your Company, nature of the industry in which your Company operates,
business model of your Company, etc., through various initiatives. The details of training
and familiarization programmes for Directors have been provided under the Corporate
Governance Report. Apart from the initial familiarisation program as above, presentations
are made to the Board Members at almost all board meetings to enable them to familiarise
and update themselves with the changes in the applicable legal framework, competition,
industry specific developments, etc. The details of the familarisation programs held
during and up to the year ended 31 March 2024 are available on the Company's website at
Performance Evaluation
During the year under review, pursuant to provisions of Section 134, Section 149 read
with Code of Independent Directors (Schedule IV) and Section 178 of the Companies Act,
2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the
Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board reviewed the process and criteria used
in the previous year for evaluating the performance of the Board, its Committees, Chairman
of the Board and the individual Directors. Like the previous years, an online platform was
provided to the Directors for participating in the performance evaluation process, which
contained a structured questionnaire for seeking feedback from the directors on certain
pre-defined attributes applicable to them, including some specific ones for the
Independent Directors. More details about the performance evaluation process followed by
the Board are provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
Declaration of Independent Directors
The Company has received declarations from all the Independent Directors of the Company
confirming that they meet the criteria of independence as prescribed both under the
Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015. The declarations received from the Independent Directors are aligned to
the amendment made in the Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
Certificate for non-disqualification of Directors
On an annual basis, the Company obtains from each Director, details of their Board and
Committee positions he/she occupies in other Companies and changes, if any regarding their
Directorships. The Company has obtained a certificate dated 28 May 2024 from M/s. P
Sarawagi & Associates, Company Secretaries, confirming that none of the Directors on
the Board of the Company have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or
continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India or
Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such authority and the same forms part of this Annual
Internal Control Systems and their adequacy
Your Company continues to have adequate system of internal control commensurate with
the size and the nature of its business, which ensures that transactions are recorded,
authorised and reported correctly apart from safeguarding its assets against loss from
wastage, unauthorised use and removal.
The internal control system is supplemented by documented policies, guidelines and
procedures. The Company's Internal Audit department continuously monitors the
effectiveness of the internal controls with a view to provide to the Audit Committee and
the Board of Directors, an independent, objective and reasonable assurance of the adequacy
of the organization's internal controls and risk management procedures. The Internal Audit
function submits detailed reports periodically to the management and the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee reviews these reports with the executive management with a view to
provide oversight of the internal control systems.
Your Board has in compliance with the Companies Act, 2013 and the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, approved several policies on
important matters such as related party transactions, risk management, nomination and
remuneration of directors and senior managers, whistle blower mechanism, CSR, insider
trading, practices and procedures for fair disclosure of unpublished price sensitive
information, materiality of events/ information, preservation of documents, etc., which
provide robust guidance to the management in dealing with such matters to support internal
control. The Company reviews its policies, guidelines and procedures as a matter of
internal control on an on-going basis in view of the ever-changing business environment.
Additionally, M/s Suresh Surana & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, engaged by
the Company reviews the framework of its existing internal financial controls across the
Company and testing of the operating effectiveness of various internal controls in the
organisation. M/s Suresh Surana & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants has submitted
a report to the Audit Committee on their findings based on the testing of the key controls
for the year ended 31 March 2024. The Statutory Auditors of the Company have also
independently reviewed internal financial controls over financial reporting. Both M/s
Suresh Surana & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants as well as the Statutory
Auditors have confirmed that these controls were operating effectively as at 31 March
2024. As stated in the Responsibility Statement, your Directors have confirmed that based
on the reviews performed by the internal auditors, statutory auditors, cost auditors,
secretarial auditors and the reviews undertaken by the management and the Audit Committee,
the Board is of the opinion that the Company's internal financial controls have been
adequate and effective during the year ended 31 March 2024.
There has been no change in the Board of Directors of your Company since the last
Annual General Meeting held on 17 August 2023.
Mr Michael James Devine (DIN: 10042702), who was earlier appointed as an Additional
Director by the Board with effect from 15 February 2023 was appointed as a Non-Executive
Director by the Members of the Company through Postal Ballot on 25 April 2023.
Mr Michael James Devine, a Non- Executive Director and Chairman of the Board retires by
rotation at the ensuring Annual General Meeting pursuant to the provisions of Section 152
of the Companies Act, 2013 and Article 104 of the Articles of Association of the Company
and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. Necessary resolution for approval
of re-appointment of Mr Michael James Devine, as a Director of the Company is included in
the Notice of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. The Board recommends the aforesaid
resolution for your approval.
Key Managerial Personnel
Pursuant to Section 203 of the Companies Act, 2013, the present Key Managerial
Personnel of the Company are Mr Abhijit Banerjee, Managing Director, Mr Neeraj Kumar
Jumrani, Chief Financial Officer and Mr Amit Dhanuka, Company Secretary. During the year
under review, there has been no changes in the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
Based on the framework of internal financial controls and compliance systems
established and maintained by the Company, audit and reviews performed by the internal
auditors, statutory auditors, cost auditors, secretarial auditors and the reviews
undertaken by the management and the Audit Committee, the Board is of the opinion that the
Company's internal financial controls have been adequate and effective during the year
ended 31 March 2024.
As required by Sections 134(3)(c) and 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Directors
to the best of their knowledge and belief state and confirm:
a. that in preparation of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March
2024, applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanations
relating to material departures, if any;
b. that they had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and
made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the aforesaid financial year and
of the profit of the Company for that period;
c. that they had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 for
safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other
d. that the aforesaid annual financial statements have been prepared on a going concern
e. that they have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company
and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating effectively; and
f. that they had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all
applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and operating effectively.
There have been no instances of fraud reported by the Statutory Auditors under Section
143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules framed thereunder.
Secretarial Standards
The Company has proper systems in place to ensure compliance with the provisions of the
applicable standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India and such
systems are adequate and operating effectively.
Related Party Transactions
All related party transactions entered during the year under review were in ordinary
course of business and on arm's length basis and the same have been disclosed under Note
44 of the Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements. No material related party
transactions, that is, transactions exceeding 10% of the annual consolidated turnover as
per the last audited financial statements were entered during the year under review by the
Company. Accordingly, the disclosure of related party transactions as required under
Section 134(3)(h) of the Companies Act, 2013 in Form AOC-2 is not applicable.
Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
Details of conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings
and outgo in accordance with Section 134(3)(m) read with Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014
are annexed to this Report. [Annexure 6]
Annual Return
A copy of Annual Return of the Company for the 15 months period ended 31 March 2023 in
Form MGT-7 has been placed on the website of the Company at
images/LIL_Form_MGT_7_FY%202022-23.pdf_tcm526-681365. pdf. The Annual Return of the
Company for the year ended 31 March 2024 would be updated on the Company's website within
the due timelines.
Amid the global gloom and doom among major economies, India is expected to clock the
fastest growth at 6.8% as per an IMF report and a further 6.5% in FY 2026. Key drivers
will primarily be coming from government investments and the services sector, as private
consumption and exports will perform unevenly. Inflation is also expected to be
range-bound within RBI's target range. Any extreme weather events or escalation in the
ongoing war escalating into a regional conflict in the Middle East leading to increased
oil prices will upset RBI calculations. A stable government at the Centre is expected to
lead to policy continuity in multiple areas including the manufacturing push and ease of
doing business reforms. This should further spur the growth momentum amid improving FDI
and also draw global supply chains in the near term.
Improving metal fabrication, Specialty Steel and automobile segments is leading to a
tightness in the Argon supply demand scenario which has a positive impact on prices.
Private capital expenditures are also expected to increase on the back of improving
balance sheets of the Corporates as well as reduced Non-performing Assets (NPAs) of banks.
The Indian economy has begun to prosper from greater formalization, increased financial
inclusion and economic opportunities brought forth by economic reforms based on digital
With the tag of being the most populous' country of the world, home to 1.4
billion people amid declining birth rates, India's working age group (15-64 years) is set
to expand to 100 million over the next decade accounting for about 22.5% of the
incremental global workforce. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will create cost-cutting
opportunities and augment human capabilities.
Your Company is prioritizing digitialisation in line with global trends. Key focus
areas are:
Expansion, Topline & Receivables
Cost-effectiveness & Digitally-enabled Logistics
Asset efficiencies & Reliability
Business Excellence & Enhanced Customer Experience
Over the next five years, there should be greater growth prospects for the Indian
economy. An enhanced medium-term outlook is made possible by structural advancements in
the financial system, the rate of ongoing reforms, and policies that encourage the growth
of the private sector. Greater potential lies in technological developments and other
structural changes like the growing de-risking of global supply chains and the green
transition. Given it's strained trade relations with the US, policy uncertainty and
strained geopolitical situation, manufacturers are re-focussed on adopting a
China+1' strategy. The large domestic market of India and faster growth prospects
among other peers, will be a big draw for manufacturers looking for stability and growth.
Auditors Statutory Audit
M/s Price Waterhouse & Co. Chartered Accountants LLP (Firm Registration No.
304026E/E-300009) was appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company at its 86th
Annual General Meeting to hold office from the conclusion of the said meeting and until
the conclusion of the 91st Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 2027.
The Statutory Auditors have issued a modified opinion on the Financial Statements of
the Company for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 and the said Auditors' Report(s)
for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 forms part of this Annual Report.
Auditors' Observation: We draw attention to Note 50 to the the standalone financial
statements, which explains the management's assessment of related party transactions with
reference to the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended ("SEBI
LODR"). Management has applied the materiality threshold of 10% or more of the annual
consolidated turnover of the Company to the value of each contract with a related party
consisting of individual or multiple transactions and not by aggregating the value of all
contracts with each related party to evaluate whether it has breached the materiality
threshold and therefore would require shareholders' approval as per SEBI LODR. SEBI, in
its Interim Ex Parte Order ("Interim Order"), issued subsequent to the year end,
on April 29, 2024, has stated that the Company is continuing to execute related party
transactions which, prima facie, appear to be material, without obtaining shareholders'
approval and has stated that materiality threshold has to be applied on an aggregate basis
considering all transactions during the financial year with a related party. Pursuant to
the appeal filed by the Company, the Securities Appellate Tribunal, in its Order dated May
22, 2024 ("SAT Order"), has set aside the Interim Order, allowing the Company to
file its reply within a week from the date of inspection of documents, and also noted that
SEBI will pass its Orders within 30 days of the conclusion of the hearing. Accordingly,
the probable penal consequences and related implications on the standalone financial
statements after completion of the above SEBI proceedings are presently not determinable.
Management Response: In terms of Regulation 2(zc) of the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (which
defines the term "related party transactions") read with Regulation 23 thereof,
the materiality threshold of 10% or more of the annual consolidated turnover of the
Company should be applied to the value of each contract with a related party consisting of
individual or multiple transactions and not by aggregating the value of all contracts with
each related party. The Company has also sought and received legal opinions from eminent
legal experts, which give the same interpretation. Accordingly, the Company is in
compliance with all requirements under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in respect of all related party
transactions entered into by it. While SEBI is still investigating the matter, the Company
is confident that the Company's legal position in this matter will be upheld.
Secretarial Audit
The Board of Directors of the Company had appointed M/s. P Sarawagi & Associates, a
firm of Company Secretaries pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Companies
2013 and the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules,
2014 for undertaking the secretarial audit of the Company for the year ended 31 March
2024. In terms of the provisions of Section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, a
Secretarial Audit Report dated 28 May 2024 in Form MR-3 given by the Secretarial Auditor
is annexed with this Report.[Annexure 7] The Report confirms that the Company had
complied with the statutory provisions listed under Form MR-3 and the Company also has
proper board processes and compliance mechanism. The Secretarial Auditors' Report has the
following observations:
Auditors' Observation: During the year under review, the Company has generally
complied with the applicable provisions of the acts, rules, regulations, standards, etc.
However, based on the legal opinions obtained and relied upon by the Company, it has
continued to reckon materiality threshold of 10% of the annual consolidated turnover of
the Company to the aggregate value of all transactions in a contract, with a related party
during the review period and not by aggregating value of all contracts with that related
party. Accordingly, the Management of the Company is of the view that no related party
transaction entered into by the Company, during the year under review, exceeded the
materiality threshold of 10% of the annual consolidated turnover of the Company and
therefore approval of the shareholders is not required. But the Securities and Exchange
Board of India ("SEBI"), in its Interim Ex-Parte Order dated 29 April 2024, has,
inter-alia, stated that the Company is continuing to execute related party transactions
which, prima facie, appear to be material, without obtaining the shareholders' approval,
as the materiality threshold has to be applied on an aggregate basis considering all
transactions during a financial year with a related party. Pursuant to an Appeal filed by
the Company, the Securities Appellate Tribunal, in its Order dated 22 May 2024, has set
aside the Interim Order, inter-alia, allowing the Company to file its reply within a week
from the date of inspection of documents and also noted that the SEBI will pass its Orders
within 30 days of the conclusion of the hearing.
Management Response: In terms of Regulation 2(zc) of the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (which
defines the term "related party transactions") read with Regulation 23 thereof,
the materiality threshold of 10% or more of the annual consolidated turnover of the
Company should be applied to the value of each contract with a related party consisting of
individual or multiple transactions and not by aggregating the value of all contracts with
each related party. The Company has also sought and received legal opinions from eminent
legal experts, which give the same interpretation. Accordingly, the Company is in
compliance with all requirements under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in respect of all related party
transactions entered into by it. While SEBI is still investigating the matter, the Company
is confident that the Company's legal position in this matter will be upheld.
Cost Audit
In terms of Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company is required to have the
audit of the cost accounting records conducted by a Cost Accountant. M/s Mani & Co., a
firm of Cost Accountants conducted this audit for the 15 months period ended 31 March 2023
and submitted their report to the Central Government in Form CRA 4 on 6 September 2023.
The Board of Directors of the Company had on the recommendation of the Audit Committee
appointed M/s. Mani & Co., Cost Accountants having registration no. 000004 as the Cost
Auditor for the year ended 31 March 2025 to conduct cost audit under the Companies (Cost
Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time. In accordance with the
provisions of Section 148(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 14 of the Companies
(Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, the remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors as
recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board has to be ratified by the
Members of the Company and appropriate resolution in this regard also forms part of the
Notice convening the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Your Directors wish to place on record their gratitude to the bankers, customers,
dealers, suppliers and all other business associates and the shareholders of the Company
for their continued support during the year under review. Your Directors, also place on
record their appreciation of the contribution made by the employees of the Company at all
levels and thank them for their dedication and commitment.
Your Directors also acknowledge the valuable support and cooperation received from the
various Government departments and agencies in these challenging times and look forward to
their continued support in the future. The Board of Directors also takes this opportunity
to thank The Linde plc Group for their strategic inputs, guidance and support in various
operational and functional areas. This has helped the Company to attain higher standards
in every sphere of performance.
Certain statements in this report relating to Company's objectives, projections,
outlook, expectations, estimates, etc. may be forward looking statements within the
meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Although the Company believes that the
expectations reflected in such forward looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can
be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, actual
results or performance could differ materially from such expectations, projections, etc.
whether express or implied as a result of among other factors, changes in economic
conditions affecting demand and supply, success of business and operating initiatives and
restructuring objectives, change in regulatory environment, other government actions
including taxation, natural phenomena such as floods and earthquakes, customer strategies,
etc. over which the Company does not have any direct control.
On Behalf of the Board |
M J Devine |
A Banerjee |
Chairman |
Managing Director |
DIN: 10042702 |
DIN: 08456907 |
Connecticut |
Kolkata |
28 May 2024 |
28 May 2024 |